Welcome to the 17th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference

About The Event

About The Event

We are proud to announce the 17th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate Schooool Students' Conference (IPSSC) with theme From Research to Reality! We invite all interested students to participate and contribute.

Important dates

18.02.2025 - Registration opens

14.03.2025 at 23:59 31.3.2025 at 23:59 - Registration and abstract submission deadline


28-30 May 2025


You are registered as you fill in the submission form and submit the abstract using the Oxford Abstracts platform at this link by 31th of March 2025 at 23:59.

Please note!

Before registration and submission, you have to register to Oxford Abstracts. You will receive all further information regarding the conference on the email you select for registration to the Oxford Abstract.

Event Schedule

To be announced

Call for papers

Students are invited to present their work in a form of abstract, poster and oral presentation written and presented in English. Abstracts will be published in the IPSSC 2025 book of abstracts. The abstract emphasis is on the application point of view of your research. Take a look at the guidelines below for detailed information. Note that a submission consists of an abstract only, so you have time to prepare the presentation and poster until the conference.

Who is the conference for?

The conference is intended for all students of science, technology, engineering and other related fields. Both students of the Jožef Stefan Postgraduate school (IPS/MPŠ), and students from other institutions can submit their work. You do not need to be enrolled in a study programme at IPS/MPŠ to participate and are kindly invited to participate with a presentation of your research work. The conference is an excellent opportunity for you to see what is happening in different research fields and to meet other participants from your field of work, including students from IPS and Jožef Stefan Institute. Don't hesitate and send us your contribution!


For the initial submission, you need only submit the abstract part of your presentation. You then have time until the conference to prepare a poster and presentation of your work. In preparing your submissions, please follow the guidelines outlined below. If you have any questions concerning the preparation of your submissions please contact us via e-mail: ipssc@mps.si

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should represent the key message of the original research work you are doing and its length is limited to one page or 300 words, whichever limit you reach first. On the following link you will find a more detailed abstract guidelines with the template. Please use it when preparing your abstract.

Remember to save the document in the .docx file format in the following way:
for example: NANO_PhD_NovakJanez.docx

Presentation guidelines

Use the following template for the presentation and submit the pptx file before the conference via ipssc@mps.si. You will be notified about the deadline for submission.

Each presentation will have a five-minute limit and the minimum length of presentation required is three minutes. Afterward, there will be a one-minute timeframe for discussion. In the first break after your session, you will need to be available for a discussion regarding your presentation/work along with your poster. The story you will give during your presentation should follow the theme of the conference, which is: "From Research To Reality".

Remember to save the document in the .pptx file format in a similar way as the abstract:
for example: NANO_PhD_NovakJanez_Presentation.pptx

Poster guidelines

The poster must be A1 portrait orientation (594 x 841 mm). Note, that it is your responsibility to print your own poster and bring it to the conference site on time.

New this year: To ensure everyone has a chance to see all the posters and for our sponsors to explore the exciting research we do, we will upload the posters on the website before the conference. You are invited to submit your poster along with your presentation before the conference via ipssc@mps.si. Save the poster in the png format and name it in a similar way as other contributions (NANO/ECO/ST/ICT_BSc/MSc/PhD_SurnameName_Poster.png).

Please also note, that while the poster is not necessary for the participation in the student conference (you can attend only with an oral presentation) if you want to be eligible for the awards you must have both an oral presentation and a poster.


We are also proud to announce that awards for best contributions will be given at the conference. All participants who submit an abstract, give a presentation, and present a poster will automatically participate in the competition for the best submission awards. Participants not fulfilling all three requirements will not be eligible for the awards. The IPS Scientific committee will evaluate abstracts, presentations and posters to determine the winners. Our generous sponsors will provide this year's awards and help you develop or improve skills beneficial to your research and life.

About Kamnik

This year we’re hosting the IPSSC2025 in Kamnik, a town embraced by the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, considered one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Slovenia. Kamnik has a long history of industry and innovation, being one of the technologically most propulsive towns in Yugoslavia. The venue for this year’s conference, the Mekinje Monastery, has a 700-year history, serving as a girls’ school in the first half of the 20th century and later run by the Ursuline Sisters who donated the monastery building to the Municipality of Kamnik in 2016. Nestled in the forests surrounding Kamnik, the Monastery will provide our participants with an environment free of various distractions and stimulate them to think and ask questions.


Organization of IPSSC '25

Organized by the IPS Student Council and

led by the IPS Student Conference Organizing Committee (SCOC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Sebastian Mežnar

3rd year PhD student

ICT programme

Antea Hrepić

3rd year PhD student

Chemical Sciences

Lea Gašparič

4th year PhD student

Nano programme

Anže Tesovnik

2nd year PhD student

Ecotechnologies programme

Žan Gostenčnik

4th year PhD student

Nano programme

Alnilan Lobato

4th year PhD student

Sensor Technologies programme

Martina Žabčić

3rd year PhD student

Nano programme

Maria Alejandra Rubio

2nd year PhD student

Ecotechnologies programme

Anja Pavlovič

4th year PhD student

Ecotechnologies programme

Erik Calcina

4th year PhD student

Sensor Technologies programme

Ana Koblar

2nd year PhD student

Nano programme

Blaž Bohinc

2nd Master student

Ecotechnologies programme

Juš Polanšek

2nd year PhD student

Nano programme

Anže Vozelj

3rd year PhD student

Nano programme

Ardita Kurtishaj Hamzaj

3rd year PhD student

Nano programme

Meryem Lachhab

2nd year PhD student

Nano programme

Sadig Gojayev

1st year PhD student

Nano programme

Jan Štrum

3rd year PhD student

ICT programme

Lara Ropič Bizjak

2nd Master student

Ecotechnologies programme

Katarina Tomič

2nd year PhD student

Nano programme

Cathrine Terro

4th year PhD student

Ecotechnologies programme

Meet Our Sponsors

To be announced

Be our sponsor

If you want to be our sponsor please send us an email by clicking in the selected level of sponsor.

Če želite biti naš sponzor, izberite sponzorski paket in kliknite nanj.


Q: Do I need to submit an abstract to join the conference?
A: Although we strongly encourage each participant to submit an abstract and prepare a presentation, it is not mandatory. You will of course not get published in the proceedings and will not be eligible for any award. If you want to join the conference only as a participant, please email us: ipssc@mps.si.

Q: Can I just submit an abstract and not prepare a presentation?
A: Technically you can, but it will not be published in the proceedings, and you are not eligible for any of the awards.

Q: Will my abstract be published if I prepare a presentation but no poster?
A: Yes.

Q: What do I have to do to be eligible for the awards?
A: You have to follow these steps: register and submit the abstract before the deadline, prepare and submit your PowerPoint presentation as per the provided instructions, attend the conference to deliver a 5-minute pitch of your work and bring your poster for display during the conference. The poster sessions will provide an opportunity to address additional inquiries regarding your work.

Q: Will you print my poster?
A: No, you have to print the poster yourself and bring it to the venue. Please note that it may take longer to print the posters, because of a larger number of participants. There will not be an option to print the poster on-site.

Q: What will I do with my poster when I get to the conference?
A: You will receive instructions on how and where to hang it. You should be present next to your poster during the first coffee break after your presentation (pitch) so that you can answer questions and discuss your topic.

Organized by:

Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School's Student Council


Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School


Jožef Stefan institute


Past Conferences

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