8th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate
School Students' Conference
May 31th - June 1st, 2016
IPS Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dear students of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS) and others,

The 8th IPS Student Conference is approaching. We wish this year’s conference would stand out from the previous ones, which is why the Student Council would like to announce that we are planning to organize workshops on public speaking as part of the conference. Knowing the elements of public speaking enables you to make a convincing presentation which leaves a good first impression. These skills come handy in situations when you need to give a speech or a statement in front of a public, present your ideas, or when you are invited to a job interview.

Preparation for the Elevator Pitch

Thursday, 5th of May 2016 at 12:30 at the IPS Lecture Room

ABC logo

A major part of the conference is the elevator pitches of the contributers - short, 3 minute long presentations of the work intended to present the stundents' research work to the general public. Before the elevator pitches, an experienced team of 4 media representatives will work with the students in a workshop, helping them create a presentation that is at once both approachable, understandable and interesting, while at the same time remaining scientifically accurate.

Luka Planinc Luka Planinc is an entrepreneur, a startup lawyer, and a startup coach with a master in law & business. He earned his skills as a lawyer, cofounder of two startups and an alumni of Startupbootcamp accelerator in Amsterdam. If not pitching, he was listening to others pitch with an investment found in Berlin. Now he is a proud member and startup coach at ABC Accelerator in Ljubljana, improving teams' business models and pitches.

In order to make sure the workshop goes smoothly, we would kindly ask the ones who are interested in participating at the first workshop “Elevator pitch”, to apply by sending an email to the 8th IPS Student Conference Committee at .

The workshop is open for everyone to participate, and not limited to those giving presentations, so all other interested students are also welcome to join. Workshop will be held in English.


Torek, 31. maj 2016 ob 12.30 v veliki predavalnici IJS

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Kaj bi izbrali, če bi lahko izbirali? Prepričljiv, samozavesten in odločen nastop, ali strah? Tremo? Izbira je vaša, ker veščine se lahko naučite, tremo lahko premagate, odločnost in samozavest pridobite. Javno nastopanje in prepričljiva komunikacija še nikdar nista bila tako pomembna, kot sta danes. Dnevno se znajdemo v situacijah, ko:

  • smo izzvani, da izrazimo svoje mnenje oziroma tržimo svoje znanje,
  • moramo biti prepričljivi in se znati postaviti zase,
  • moramo pregovoriti pred večjo ali manjšo skupino ljudi...
Ker pa nam moderen način življenja velikokrat ne dovoli obiskovanja dolgotrajnih izobraževanj in seminarjev, smo vam v sklopu konference pripravili kratek seminar, na katerem se bomo naučili boljšega javnega nastopanja.

Saša Einsiedler Saša Einsiedler je komunikacijska trenerka in svetovalka, mediatorka in licencirana DreamBuilder trenerka. V zadnjem času je poglobljeno ukvarja s problemom premagovanja nelagodja pred nastopanjem in s študijem človeške narave. S tečaji in seminarji ter svetovanji pomaga tistim, ki se zavedajo pomembnosti nastopa in pojave ter si želijo izboljšati medosebne odnose na delovnem mestu in v domačem okolju. S coachingom pomaga ljudem, ki želijo pomoč pri doseganju ciljev, s transformativno mediacijo pa pomaga pri reševanju sporov in nesoglasij v družinah, podjetjih ter ostalim. Je članica upravnega odbora ZMCS, Zbornice za managment consulting Slovenije in članica strokovnega sveta MEDIOSa.

Predavanje lahko obiščejo vsi zainteresirani študenti. Prispevek na konferenci ni pogoj za udeležno. Predavanje bo v Slovenščini.


Wednesday, 1st of June 2016 at 13:30 at the main JSI lecture hall

Impact logo

If you ever watched a TED talk you know, that most of the speakers manage to make present their ideas in a really engaging, inspiring and innovative way. What is their secret and how could you use the same elements and bring them to your own presentations? How can you approach your presentation, pick the most interesting parts and make an intriguing story, that will engage your audience?

Urša Svetelj Urša Svetelj is a cofounder at zavod ImpACT, soft skills trainer, NLP practitioner and public speaking coach. She gained her speakers coaching skills as a member of TEDxLjubljana, where she’s prepared more than 100 speakers in last 5 years and helped them to build up their stories. She believes in following your true passion and contributing to a society and stepping out of your comfort zone.

The workshop is open for everyone to participate, and not limited to those giving presentations, so all other interested students are also welcome to join. Workshop will be held in English.


February 26th, 2016:
Conference Announcement

We proudly announce the 8th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.

Important dates

The conference:
May 31st - June 1st, 2016

Extended submission deadline:
April 4th, 2016
April 14th, 2016

Paper submission:
April 4th, 2016

Organized by

Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School's
Student Council

Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School


Connect with us

Via Facebook group
Via Mailing list

Past Conferences

2009 1st IPSSC
2010 2nd IPSSC
2011 3rd IPSSC
2012 4th IPSSC
2013 5th IPSSC
2014 6th IPSSC
2015 7th IPSSC

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