4th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate
School Students Conference
May 25, 2012
IPS Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organization of IPSSC'12

Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dejan Petelin

Dejan Petelin

3rd year PhD student
ICT programme

Organizing Committee
Boštjan Kaluža

Boštjan Kaluža

4th year PhD student
ICT programme

Aleš Tavčar

Aleš Tavčar

3rd year PhD student
ICT programme

Piotr Sosnowski

Piotr Sosnowski

1st year PhD student
NANO programme

Hristijan Gjoreski

Hristijan Gjoreski

1st year PhD student
ICT programme

Technical Review Committee

prof. dr. Gojmir Lahajnar


assoc. prof. dr. Ester Heath


assoc. prof. dr. Jurij Šilc


assoc. prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc


dr. Brigita Rožič


Ana Miklavčič


Borut Sluban



April 21, 2012:
Record High Submissions

This year IPSSC has received a record high number of submissions (53). We would like to thank all authors for their contributions.

March 30, 2012:
Extended Submission Deadine

Due to several requests we have extended the submission deadline till April 6, 2012. To submit a paper please use the submission form.

December 5, 2011:
Conference Announcement

We proudly announce the 4th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.

Important dates

The conference:
May 25, 2012

Camera ready papers:
April 26, 2012

Acceptance notification:
April 13, 2012
April 20, 2012

Papers submission:
March 30, 2012
April 6, 2012

Early registration:
December 15, 2011

Organized by

Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School


in cooperation with

Center of excellence NAMASTE

Center of excellence on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of Proteins

Past Conferences

2009 1st IPSSC
2010 2nd IPSSC
2011 3rd IPSSC

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