School Students Conference
IPS Ljubljana, Slovenia
Call for papers
Students are invited to present their work in a 6 page paper size A5 and a poster size A1, written in English or Slovene. Papers and posters will be published in two separated proceedings due to different format.
Paper Guidelines
The paper should contains 5 pages of scientific text and 1 page of more general abstract. Please see the template with detailed instructions.
Poster Guidelines
Please follow the instructions below closely:
- Poster size is A1 (594 x 841 mm).
- All posters must have the IPS header.
- Author must put the following information on the poster: name, surname, school, programme, mentor, and author's picture.
- All posters are required to conform to portrait orientation.
- Prof. Kornhauser recommends that the poster is divided in scientific and application part.
- Posters should be clear and easy to read. Type size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read from 2 meters.
If you have any questions concerning the preparation of your paper/poster please contact us via .
The authors should submit paper in .doc file format and poster in .ppt or .pdf file format using the submission form, not later than March 30, 2012. For login, please use your IPS eStudent account.
April 21, 2012:
Record High Submissions
This year IPSSC has received a record high number of submissions (53). We would like to thank all authors for their contributions.
March 30, 2012:
Extended Submission Deadine
Due to several requests we have extended the submission deadline till April 6, 2012. To submit a paper please use the submission form.
December 5, 2011:
Conference Announcement
We proudly announce the 4th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.
The conference:
May 25, 2012
Camera ready papers:
April 26, 2012
Acceptance notification:
April 13, 2012
April 20, 2012
Papers submission:
March 30, 2012
April 6, 2012
Early registration:
December 15, 2011
International Postgraduate School
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