School Students' Conference and 13th CMBE day
Planica, Slovenia
Elevator pitch preparations
A major part of the conference is the elevator pitches of the contributers - short, 3 minute long presentations of the work intended to present the stundents' research work to the general public. Before the elevator pitches, an experienced team of 4 media representatives will work with the students in a workshop, helping them create a presentation that is at once both approachable, understandable and interesting, while at the same time remaining scientifically accurate.
January 17th, 2019:
Conference Announcement
We proudly announce the 11th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.
The conference:
April 15th - April 16th, 2019
Registration deadline:
February 7th, 2019
Abstract submission deadline:
February 22nd, 2019
International Postgraduate School's
Student Council
International Postgraduate School
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