10th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate
School Students' Conference
May 10th - May 11th, 2018
Piran, Slovenia

Elevator pitch preparations

A major part of the conference is the elevator pitches of the contributers - short, 3 minute long presentations of the work intended to present the stundents' research work to the general public. Before the elevator pitches, an experienced team of 4 media representatives will work with the students in a workshop, helping them create a presentation that is at once both approachable, understandable and interesting, while at the same time remaining scientifically accurate.


February 12th, 2018:
Conference Announcement

We proudly announce the 10th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.

Important dates

The conference:
May 10th - May 11th, 2018

submission deadline:
March 30th, 2018

Preliminary reservation:
March 12th, 2018

Organized by

Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School's
Student Council

Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School


Jožef Stefan institute


Connect with us

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Via Mailing list

Past Conferences

2009 1st IPSSC
2010 2nd IPSSC
2011 3rd IPSSC
2012 4th IPSSC
2013 5th IPSSC
2014 6th IPSSC
2015 7th IPSSC
2016 8th IPSSC
2017 9th IPSSC

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