School Students' Conference
Piran, Slovenia
Invitation for this year (2019) conference:
- Invitation 2019 (pdf, 6.7 MB)
- Apply for 2019 conference here! (link)
We proudly present the IPSSC 2018 conference awards!
This year’s final commission for the evaluation of contributions was comprised of:
- dr. Marina Dermastia (predsednik komisije / commission head) and SENSOR-, NANO- and BIOCHEM professor)
- dr. Nives Ogrinc (ECO professor)
- dr. Petra Jenuš Brdnik (NANO professor)
- dr. Gorazd Kandus (ICT professor)
- dr. Tamara Lah Turnšek (NANO- and BIOCHEM professor)
Among the presentations, the comission selected four best overall contributions. The winners are:
- Mirjana Malnar (Hexanucleotide (C4G2)n RNA repeats sequester RNA binding proteins)
- Matej Kocen (Capturing the Sun in a tungsten “box”)
- Dežman Miha (Elbow assistance exoskeleton to facilitate high level control design)
- Gornik Tjaša (Molecularly imprinted polymers as solid phase extraction sorbents for the determination of sertraline and its analogues in aqueous matrices)
The ISO FOOD award for the best nutrition based conference contribution went to:
- Staša Hamzić Gregorčič (Optimisation of the method for Sr isolation from the matrix for reliable determination of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio by MC-ICP-MS in milk)
The NIB sponsored audience award went to:
- Dona Pavlović (Uptake of airborne fluorides by vegetation growing near pollution source)
Organized transportation (bus)
Thursday (10th May) from Ljubljana to Piran at 7:00.
Friday (11th May) from Piran to Ljubljana at 15:00.
Bus departure meeting point below:

National Institute of Biology (NIB), Marine Biology Station Piran (website)
Check the Google Maps location
and a 360o view
Conference poster:
- Poster 2018 (pdf, 2.3 MB)
This year's proceedings!
Proceedings 2018 are available at:
- Proceedings 2018 (pdf, 7.7 MB)
Check the last year's proceedings!
Proceedings are available at:
- Proceedings (pdf, 6.3 MB)
The conference is supported by:
February 12th, 2018:
Conference Announcement
We proudly announce the 10th IPSSC conference. We invite all interested students to participate in organizing this meeting.
The conference:
May 10th - May 11th, 2018
submission deadline:
March 30th, 2018
Preliminary reservation:
March 12th, 2018
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